Live long and prosper the natural healthy way. So what are the golden rules to living a long life. Well I would say first, Don't smoke. Smoking will reduce the amount of time that you live. Keep alcohol to a minimum. Eat a varied diet, and don't eat too much. When eating make sure you include lots of fruit and vegetables. Make sure you have a breakfast as this is the most important meal of the day. Take a good quality multi vitamin and mineral tablet each day. Exercise every day, you may be a member of the gym. If you are then that is great if not then you will have to make sure you walk quickly for at least 30 minutes per day. Enough to bring yourself to a sweat. Follow this guideline every day and you should live long and prosper.
I would just like you to know that I don't practice what I preach. Yes I don't smoke, but I do drink alcohol, more than I should. I don't have enough fruit. I have to force myself to eat it. I like vegetables, but don't get enough. I eat the wrong foods, I know, and I don't exercise enough. I do walk every day, but not enough. I would think what I do is about average, with all my readers, am I right?. Please feel free to comment, I would love to hear from you.