One of the top home natural healer's
Thursday, February 18, 2010
One of my favorite natural remedies that is a great benefit to my health, and is used widely in alternative health is the fatty acid Omega-3.
You may think that fat is bad for you but Omega-3 mainly found in salmon, mackerel, and fresh tuna plays a key role in many vital body processes.
I have used Omega-3, in supplement form, for many years in the hope it will lower cholesterol levels, and lower blood pressure. I am sure it has helped my health to some degree. The recommended dose of fish oil supplements is usually 3,000-5,000mg per day.
In natural therapy, Omega-3 is used for the following conditions:
Arthritis, Asthma, Bursitis and tendinitis, Depression, Dry skin, Eczema, Gout, High blood pressure, High cholesterol. Hives, Inflammatory bowel disease, Memory problems, Menstrual problems, Nail problems, Palpitations, Prostate problems, Psoriasis and Wrinkles. There is also some evidence that cancer may also be helped with Omega-3.
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